Cymric Cat

Country of Origin: Isle of Man
Colors: White, Blue, Black, Red, Cream, Silver, Tortoiseshell, Bluecream, Brown
Average Size: Weight: 8-12 lbs (3.6- 5.44 kg)  Length: Medium to large
Life Span: 9-13 yrs.
Coat: Long
Personality: Intelligent, fun-loving, gentle and nonaggressive
Characteristics: Energy: Active    Talkative: Moderate      Kid Friendly: Yes           Allergic: No


Supposingly, Cymric cats are a result of mutation among domestic cats of the Isle of Man. The dominant gene of these cats is their taillessness or in other words – lack of tail. Being a dominant gene, it was easily passed from one generation to the next, together with another important gene – long hair. Actually, what happened is that longhaired kittens were born to Manx cats and were discarded as “mutants”. When same kittens were born in the 1960’s in Canada as a result of intentional mix of breeds, it was the beginning of the Cymric cat’s official history. It took a lot of time until this cat breed was recognized as a separate breed.

Cymric cats are actually a bred of domestic cat. These are, as mentioned earlier, longhaired versions of Manx cat breed. These two breeds are the same in aspects except in the length of the hair; therefore some registries call them also Longhair Manx.

Cymric cats are medium to large, with a muscular and compact body. They have a sturdy bone structure, a cobby body and a rounded appearance. These cats also have full and large eyes and widely spaced ears. The hair of Cymric cats is of medium length, but what gives them that round appearance is the well padded hair over the entire body. As for the colors, all Manx colors are also accepted for the Cymric cat breed as well.

What is interesting is that there are four different types of tails at Cymric cats. The most valued is the so-called rumpy tail (entirely tailless cat). Next, there are rumpy-risers which are cats that have a short knob of tail only. Then there are stumpies, which are very short tail, around 1/3 of normal tail length, and in the end there are also longies which are fully tailed cats.

Cymric cats are intelligent and they get along very well with other animals. They are loyal to humans (their owners), and like to spend a lot of time playing with them. Since they are so intelligent, they can easily be taught tricks. These cats are not aggressive and are very gentle; therefore they are recommended for families with small children. They don’t demand a lot of attention, and the same as the Manx cats, Cymric cats are very fascinated with water.

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