Are cats allowed to eat yogurt?

Most cats love yoghurt, but is it healthy for the four-legged friends? As long as your cat gets mainly high-quality meat food, there’s nothing wrong with the treat. Nevertheless, there are some points to consider.

Calcium, protein and vitamins in yogurt are healthy for cats. The lactic acid bacteria in it can have a positive effect on the feline intestines. If you follow a few basic rules when feeding cats, you can occasionally treat your velvet paw to the deliciousness.


Cat nutrition: Yogurt yes, milk no

Cats are only allowed to eat yoghurt because it contains almost no lactose. The house cat normally does not tolerate this. Usually the animals react with diarrhoea and other digestive problems after drinking cow’s milk. They suffer from a congenital lactose intolerance, so to speak. In yoghurt, however, the lactose was broken down during the fermentation process.

It all depends on the yoghurt

However, your pelt-nose may only enjoy natural yoghurt without additives. If you want to be on the safe side, make your own natural yoghurt from UHT milk and special lactic acid bacterial cultures in the yoghurt maker. Then it is definitely suitable for cats. Alternatively, you can also give your cat lactose-free yoghurt to eat.

However, do not let your velvet paw nibble on more than one to two tablespoons a day at room temperature. Too much of a good thing it cannot tolerate and is not healthy.

Cats are first and foremost carnivores

Feeding yoghurt to cats should also be the exception, not the rule. This is because house tigers are mainly carnivores and must therefore be fed mainly on meat.

High-quality convenience food normally contains all the nutrients a healthy cat needs. Especially the amino acid taurine is vital for the cats, as they cannot produce it themselves. This nutrient is mainly found in meat, so the cat must not do without it.

But every now and then a spoonful of yogurt as a delicacy is certainly not something that purring gourmets spurn. For example, as an important source of protein and vitamins, it can be a good addition to barley. More and more cat owners are discovering raw meat feeding for their pets.

Cats and yoghurt: Caution with kidney damage!

However, if you have a cat at home suffering from chronic kidney failure, it is better not to feed it yoghurt. This is because animals with kidney damage should be on a diet and only eat reduced protein. As yoghurt contains protein, even if only in small amounts, your cat should avoid yoghurt if possible.

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